People who’ve 
been there understand 
like no one else.

When it comes to issues of hoarding and cluttering, the best people to help are often the ones who’ve been there themselves.

Peer Responders for hoarding and cluttering offer more than active decluttering support – they also offer hope and connection. For community members who have tried unsuccessfully to battle clutter on their own and who may be feeling isolated, afraid, and ambivalent about change, working 1-to-1 with a Peer Responder or participating in a Peer Responder-facilitated support group can feel like a lifeline.

What is a Peer Responder?

A Peer Responder for hoarding and cluttering is someone who directly supports people living with clutter challenges, whether by 1-to-1 engagement or group facilitation.

Peer Response Teams (PRTs) provide cost-effective, innovative solutions to problems of engagement and commitment often posed by service delivery to groups impacted by shame and internalized stigma. PRTs have also been shown to improve outcomes, reduce isolation, and prevent evictions. 

Been there, done that

The value of peer responders comes from their deep personal knowledge of hoarding and cluttering challenges and their ability to model hope and recovery. Peer responders can often connect with and motivate community members in ways that family members, clinicians, or social workers cannot.

specialized training

The skills Peer Responders bring to the table are innately valuable, but they can be hard to put into practice successfully without comprehensive training. State or National Peer Specialist training will cover the basics, but Goldfeather Consulting offers one of the few curricula in the country that translates Peer Specialist training topics into the language of hoarding and cluttering response. 

Comprehensive Training and Support for Both Peer Responders and Their Employers

Are you excited by the possibilities of what Peer Responders are able to accomplish?
We are too.

Goldfeather Consulting can support your organization to design a Peer Response program; recruit, hire, and retain peer employees; and ensure that your Peer Responders receive both initial and ongoing education.

The facilitators for our Hoarding and Cluttering Peer Responder curriculum are not only qualified trainers – they also have their own lived experience with cluttering challenges and as Peer Responders. They are able to share both stories of their own triumphs over clutter and examples from their community-based work.

Our curriculum not only relies on peer-reviewed research in hoarding and cluttering supports – Goldfeather Consulting has also been at the forefront of research that demonstrates peer supports can be therapeutically equivalent to clinical supports.

The Peer Response Team model is an innovative community support for hoarding and cluttering that has proven to be exceptionally successful and is growing in reputation in the US. In addition to our training curriculum, Goldfeather Consulting works in conjunction with community partner organizations who have experience with Peer Response Team programs to support you with program deisgn and implementation.

Contact us for more information and current pricing.